Suprihatin, MD, my boss and my teacher.
So Would You Let Me Be...
So would you let me be my self?
Reach all of my dreams & hopes?
I know you've known me better…
I know you love me, you do…
Your eyes says more than anything,
That's really mean to me.
Darlin would you now
Would you set me free?
- D Cinnamons
3 komentar:
Bro.. Ibu Suprihatin ni lulusan UNS juga kah? Asalnya apakah dari Magetan. Sounds familiar for me.. My mother ever told me, her schoolmate actually. I'm not sure..
Wah...Betul sekali bro!Asal beliau dari Gorang Gareng,Magetan.Lulusan FK UNS tp gak tahu tahun brapa..
Ibu Anda dokter juga to??(baru tahu aku...hehe...).Nama ibu Anda siapa bro?Ntar tak sampaikan salamnya.
BTW,thanks buat kunjungannya ya.. ^_^
Send best regard from Mrs. Tatik Wachidaty, my lovely mother.. :-)
Bukan dokter, just a mother, a lovely mother..
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