Vision of Indonesia Sehat 2010 itself had been proclaimed at 1999 by President Habibie. Why 2010? 2010 had been chosen with a consider that ten years were enough to reach dreams and hopes, so that it is a realistic challenge one.
At 2010, this country hopefully can reach a definite health step which signed by a society that:
[1] live at a healthy environtment
[2] practice a hygienic and healthy life style
[3] can prepare and use (reach) high quality health service
[4] have high health degree.
Healthy environtment is an environtment which free from pollution, clean water availability, hygienic sanitation, and healthy housing, whereas healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle which proactive to keep and raise health, prevent the risk illness, protect themselves from illness and participate in society health program.
Health is a collective responsibility, so that we must involve all of society's part. This can be started by ourselves, how to make our environtment more hygienic and our lifestyle should be healthy too. And don't forget, we must offer a high quality health service and reachable by society, both economic and non-economic. High quality means that our health service should be satisfying customers, and certainly hold according to profession standard and ethic.
Health expedient must be priorited at promotive and preventive action, supported with curative and rehabilitative action.
To reach the vision of Indonesia Sehat 2010, the government has established new mission too, they are:
[1] holding national construction with healthy vision
[2] pushing society's selves to live healthy
[3] keep and raise the reachable, wide-spread and high quality service
[4] keep and raise individual, family and society's health, include their environtment.
According to the vision and mission established by governtment, strategy of health construction must be formulated. They are:
[1] national construction with healthy vision
[2] professionalism
[3] public health assurance, and
[4] decentralisation.
Indicator is variabel used to evaluate situation or status and it is possible to measure every change that happened time by time. Indicator must fulfill five criterias, such as simple, measurable, attributable, reliable and timely (SMART).
Indicator to point at Indonesia Sehat 2010 are classified into three cathegory:
[1] End result indicator, such as mortality, morbidity and nutrition status
[2] Mid result indicator, such as environtment condition, society lifestyle, accetability and quality of health service
[3] Input and process indicator, such as health service, health resources, health management, and related-sector contribution.
Health Degree in 2010
[1] Birth mortality rate : 40/1000 life birth
[2] Under 5-years mortality rate : 58/1000 life birth
[3] Revealing-mother mortality rate : 150/100.000 life birth
[4] Life-expectancy rate of birth : 67,9.
[5] Malaria morbidity rate : 5/1000 people
[6] Healing from TB lung with BTA+ rate : 85
[7] Prevalention of HIV (case percentage with risk people) : 0,9
[8] Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) at under 15-years children rate : 0,9/100.000 children
[9] Dengue Hemorhagic Fever morbidity rate : 2/100.000 people.
Nutrition Status
[10] Under 5-years with poor nutrition percentage : 15
[11] State free from poor nutrition percentage : 85
12 komentar:
numpang lewat ah
apa tu artinya,,saia teh g lancar bhs inggris
kl dsuru conversation bisa tp kl tertulis g bs,
mkny nilai ujian saia jelek
maap dl saia pnh ngkik saudara tampaknya
Weleh...Pa iya?Saya dah keseringan dikik soalna...Jd lupa cp aj yg pernah ngekik saya..Atau...jgn2 Anda dulu jg pernah tak kik?Wkwkwkwk... ^_^
Saya tahu bhs Inggris Anda kurang begitu bagus.Kenapa?Kalo bhs Inggris Anda bagus tentu komentar Anda bunyinya,"Wah Andri,bhs Inggrismu payah sekali!".Bukan begitu Aan??Hakhakhak...
Salam kenal.
Ini aku dapat link tentang info yg kamu minta. Ayo...ayo ke sini! :)
Tambah ilmu...tambah wawasan...tambah teman :)
Aku siap bantu kalo perlu yg lain yaaaaa!
Aku link juga ya blog kamu (let me learn how to do that first...hmmm)
Ok.Terima kasih mbak Dyah.
Semoga tercapai deh Indonesia Sehat 2010, semoga saudara2 kita yang di pelosok dapat tersentuh oleh program ini.
Amin. ^_^
"Vision of Indonesia Sehat 2010 itself had been proclaimed at 1999 by President Habibie. Why 2010? 2010 had been chosen with a consider that ten years were enough to reach dreams and hopes, so that it is a realistic challenge one."
for Indonesia, hundreds of years will never be enough for realizing dreams..apalagi mimpi sebesar ini hehe.. sori kalo terdengar sangat apatis, tapi saya semakin hari kian tidak percaya dengan negeri ini..
tapi setidaknya saya masih percaya dengan diri saya sendiri..udah hampir 3 minggu ini saya berhenti merokok, semoga di tahun 2010 saya benar-benar 'bersih', terutama dari alkohol yang sangat menggoda itu hehe..
*don't stop dreaming*
Saya kuq jd teringat iklan yg bunyinya begini:
Kapan kawin?
Kapan kawin?
Kapan kawin?
May be yes
May be no
Enjoy aja... ^_^
Ya. Sebenarnya tinggal kita evaluasi saja perjalanan indikatornya selama 8 tahun ini, dan liat apa mungkin bisa dicapai dalam 2 tahun..
Saya masih bisa bilang itu cuma omong kosong.
Masih jauh, apalagi kalau melihat konsep "Indonesia Sehat"nya itu sendiri, tanpa memandang indikatornya.
Yah...Seperti komentar dari teman Koboi Urban:"hundreds of years will never enough for realizing dreams".Sepertinya memang sulit untuk mewujudkan Indonesia Sehat baik sehat fisik maupun sehat jiwa..Kuq sepertinya masalah gak pernah ada habisnya.
Tp seperti saya bilang di postingan:"This can be started by ourselves".Ya...mulailah dari diri kita sendiri.Itu yg terpenting.
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