
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

~ Oprah Winfrey

Selasa, 29 September 2009

Medical Interview Course

Emulation of world work in this time is very tight. This thing happened too in medical world. Hundreds, or may be thousands fresh graduate doctors are coming from various medical faculties in every year. This matter claims doctors to be more improve their skills. Not only skills in the medical knowledge, but also in the medical interview, because most of all hospitals do a kind of test about medical communication skills to the doctor who applying.

As we all know, a medical interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their hospital. A medical interview typically precedes the hiring decision, and is used to evaluate the candidate. The interview is usually preceded by the evaluation of submitted medical curriculum vitae from interested candidates, then selecting a small number of candidates for interviews. The medical interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees.

A typical medical interview has a single candidate meeting with between one and three persons representing the employer; the potential supervisor of the employee is usually involved in the interview process. While the meeting can be over in as little as 15 minutes, medical interviews usually last less than two hours.

The bulk of the medical interview will entail the interviewers asking the candidate questions about his or her job history, personality, work style and other factors relevant to the job. For instance, a common interview question is "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" The candidate will usually be given a chance to ask any questions at the end of the interview. These questions are strongly encouraged since they allow the interviewee to acquire more information about the job and the hospital, but they can also demonstrate the candidate's strong interest in them.

Multiple rounds of medical interviews may be used where there are many candidates or the job is particularly challenging or desirable. Earlier rounds may involve fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much shorter and less in-depth. A common initial interview form is the phone interview, a medical interview conducted over the telephone. This is especially common when the candidates do not live near the employer and has the advantage of keeping costs low for both sides. Once all candidates have been interviewed, the employer typically selects the most desirable candidate and begins the negotiation of a job offer.

It is very important to be well prepared for a medical interview. A common reason employers give for not hiring an applicant is the inability of the applicant to fully explain the contents of his or her medical curriculum vitae. Therefore it is paramount to be able to discuss in detail every item listed on one's medical curriculum vitae, and if possible to give examples when appropriate. It is also wise to research the hospital before the interview. To avoid being nervous, the applicant should practice answering difficult questions. Good sources of interview questions can be found at a medical interview course.

A medical interview course will assist you to increase medical interview skills. Here, you will be taught about various skills for competitive interviews by consultant who experienced in medical interview. Besides that, you can learn some useful medical interview questions to practice include type of questions, sample questions, how to negotiate your salary, interview tips and many more. With good prepared, absolutely you can give an effective and powerful answer when medical interview is taken.

I have weakness in the case of this medical interview. Hence it is not a wonder if I usually failed when applied a job at hospital where there is medical interview session in it. This can be happened to you too if you do not have medical interview skills. Hospital will choose other applicant who has excellent medical interview skills. Here the important of consultant medical interview, to improve your medical communication skills.

Not less important is the way of compiling medical curriculum vitae. Because, how great your skills, but if you can not sell it, hence you will not be peeped at. The way of compiling medical curriculum vitae will be taught when you are following this medical interview course.

Last but not least, if you have both skills in the medical knowledge and the medical interview, and you are able to sell your skills and knowledge in the correct way, I’m sure that you will get your dream job very soon.

6 komentar:

Berkarya Merajut Harapan mengatakan...

Bukan koneksi ya pak dokter? :)

Andri Journal mengatakan...

@ dr Tantur:
Ujung2nya ya itu pak. :D

kakve-santi mengatakan...

bahasa bule nih,,, baanya harus pelan2, hehehehekakve-santi

Rosmana A.P. mengatakan...

Medical interview skill ya mas? hehehe

MONOKROM mengatakan...

Hallow..salam kenal Mas. Meskipun saya tidak bagus dalam bahasa Inglish, tapi setelah baca saya bisa sedikit mengintip bahasan dalam tulisan Mas Andri.

Selama ini di benak saya, seorang lulusan fakultas kedokteran tak perlu kawatir dech kalau mau mendapatkan pekerjaan dan berkarir. Sepertinya profesi tersebut sangat dibutuhkan dan masih luas sekali kesempatannya untuk menjadi pegawai negeri dan membuak praktek indivisual.

Tetapi, setelah membaca psoting ini, ternyata tidak se-mudah yang saya bayangkan. Ternyata fresh graduate masih harus membutuhkan lagi skill-skill tambahan guna menghadapi tuntutan professi yang semakin mengutamakan high-degree expertise.

Ini pengalaman pribadi, cerita dari suami. Kebetulan suami punya temen dekat seoarang dokter. Menurut testimoninya, beliau merasa berhasil mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi terhadap pasien dengan baik. Sehingga, semakin banyak saja pasien yang condong percaya pada pelayanannya. Terbukti, sebagai dokter muda dan baru nunut praktek di sebuah klinik, dia langsung naik daun dikalangan pasiennya dan mengalahkan dokter-dokter lain yang ada di institusi kesehatan tersebut. Padahal, dia mengaku sendiri, bahwa dia sebenarnya kurang mumpuni dalam menguasai ilmu yang telah digelutinya. Hingga terkadang, dia harus pamit dulu ke ruang lain untuk berkonsultasi (via telepon) pada Ayah atau bahkan istrinya (yang juga dokter muda) untuk menghadapi keluhan dan pertanyaan pasiennya. Ya itu tadi, karena kemampuan verbalnya sangat bagus dan 'menyakinkan' dia cenderung dipercaya oleh pasiennya. Bahkan, mungkin ini sisi negatifnya, dia pernah digoda oleh pasiennya yang muda dan cantik-cantik. Padahal mereka juga tahu kalau beliau sudah punya anak dan istri he..he..eh....

Wah...jadi ngelantur ini....sorry ya mas, saya sekedar pingin komentar saja. Terima kasih banyak atas kesempatannya.

Andri Journal mengatakan...

@ pelangi anak:
terima kasih mbak atas komentarnya yg puanjang pol >.< salam kenal jg.Praktek dokter skr memang sudah menjamur,terutama dokter umum.Untuk itulah kebanyakan dokter umum skr berlomba2 mendaftar ke spesialis untuk menambah kemampuan medisnya.

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